Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm ashamed of the Republicans in the Senate

This is a political ploy pure and simple, if this war were more popular with the American people, they would not be doing this. I hope the president responds harshly to the defection of his own party and that it only toughens his resolve:

Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia and other Republicans publicly offered a resolution yesterday condemning President Bush's proposal to send more troops to Iraq.
The "Senate disagrees with the 'plan' to augment our forces by 21,500, and urges instead to consider all options and alternatives for achieving the strategic goals set forth below with reduced force levels than proposed," wrote Mr. Warner, joined by Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Norm Coleman of Minnesota.
Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska Democrat, also helped draft the nonbinding resolution.
The six-page proposal was less critical than one offered last week by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr., Delaware Democrat, but still included strict instructions for how Mr. Bush should better wage the war in Iraq.
It also contained a harsh assessment of the current situation, indicating that a broad bipartisan coalition on Capitol Hill will desert the commander in chief if he presses forward with his plan to add troops.
"I feel ever so strongly that the American GI was not trained, not sent over there, certainly not by resolution of this institution, to be placed in the middle of a fight between the Sunni and the Shi'a and the wanton and just incomprehensible killing that's going on at this time," Mr. Warner told reporters yesterday.
This resolution does nothing except weaken our president in the eyes of the enemy. It's amazing to me that these Rinos don't get that we are dealing with a shame based culture and this kind of stuff would be looked at as weakness. By this resolution, the enemy knows that they only have to intensify the violence for a little while and our last remaining resolve will crumble and we will withdrawal our troops. And the civilians will suffer the consequences (the same civilians that the media has been whining about since this war started).

The blood of the Iraqi civilians is on the hands of Congress. But they have no concern for them because they are not Americans.