Friday, February 09, 2007

Sorry for the light posting yesterday

I had minor surgery related to the infection I told you guys about a couple weeks ago. Though it was same day surgery, it's still painful and debilitating so I just laid down and watched TV when we came home from the hospital. I watched the new Survivor but wasn't overly impressed. I generally don't like the first episode of the series, it consists mostly of the survivors getting to know each other. That doesn't make for exciting TV.

One good thing about having surgery, it forces you to fast. Unfortunately, I tend to make up the lost calories the next day :-)

While I was waiting for surgery, I got to watch some of the news channels (FOX, MSNBC, CNN) and I was surprised by how much coverage the Pelosi plane flap generated. It was on all the channels and they kept repeating it. From the coverage, the Republicans came across pretty petty. It seems reasonable for her to get a plane that can make it to California without refueling and the president's support of her request undermines whatever complaints the Republicans are making. They should just drop it.

The other big story was the snow in upstate NY, they were saying that they were going to get six feet of snow. We in NJ may envy the fact that they are getting snow since we haven't had a snow day all year but that's way too much.

I'm sure that if I hadn't been having surgery when the news of Anna Nicole Smith's death broke, that would have been the story of the day. I was pretty shocked when my kids told me she died. It seems weird that she died the same way her son did five months ago. I'll be interested to see what the autopsy reports say.

I see that I have a number of new comments (my critics are certainly prolific :-), so don't expect a quick response. I'll try to get to them throughout the day.

Update: I don't think it's very smart of Murtha to threaten the military in this way, especially when funding our troops has become such a divisive issue. It really makes them look petty:

Murtha said he is convinced the Pentagon has been leaking information about the possibility that Pelosi would use large military planes to make her look bad. But he said, "They're making a mistake when they leak it because she decides on allocations for them,'' referring to the Pentagon budget.

Is Murtha saying that they would cut funds to the military over this? That would be really stupid of them and would not go over well with the American people.