Sunday, April 15, 2007

Michael Moore is a vulture!

The NY Post is reporting that Michael Moore took sick 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba to get treatment as part of his new "documentary" "Sicko." It is so clear that Michael Moore is using the illness of the rescue workers to score political points against the president and the Republicans with this piece of propaganda. But his choice of countries says more about the beauty of the free marketplace and living in a democracy instead of under communism than I think he might realize. If a Cuban Michael Moore had made a movie that was critical of Castro or Cuba he would have been jailed, not allowed to promote his movie around the world. And if Moore wanted to say that even in a poor, communist country you can get better healthcare than in America, then he is so missing the irony of a rich American film producer sending Americans to Cuba to get health care. Americans have the freedom to go anywhere they want for healthcare but do the Cubans?

Because Michael Moore lives in a society that is free and open, where anyone can express themselves anyway they want and even make a lot of money doing it, he is able to exploit the 9/11 rescue workers for the purpose of promoting his political agenda and making a fast buck. Isn't America great?
