Saturday, July 28, 2007

Clinton fund-raising using cleavage

If we were not talking about politics, there would be a name for that :-)

The Clinton campaign is circulating a fund-raising e-mail, using the flap over the senator’s “cleavage” as the peg. “Now, I've seen some off-topic press coverage,” writes Senior Advisor Ann Lewis, referring to the Washington Post article and ensuing coverage of the topic, “but talking about body parts? That is grossly inappropriate.” She goes on to call the coverage “insulting” and urges supporters to “Take a stand against this kind of coarseness and pettiness."
I agree, that's grossly inappropriate, coarse and petty. But what about using all that coarseness and pettiness to raise funds? What should we call that? Politics as usual?

Related story:
Clinton's Cleavage? What? Are you kidding me?
Clinton's cleavage coverage has upset the feminists