Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dr. D. James Kennedy retires

I feel very sad for my brothers and sisters at Coral Ridge that they will have to start the search to replace their pastor. D. James Kennedy has left some really big shoes to fill:

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (CRPC) in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., today announced the retirement of Dr. D. James Kennedy, senior pastor, assuring the congregation and
international broadcast audience that the church and related ministries
will continue moving forward in the direction set by this visionary leader
after founding the church more than 48 years ago in 1959.


Dr. Kennedy, 76, preached his last sermon from the pulpit of Coral
Ridge Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve 2006. He suffered a cardiac
arrest four days later and has since been unable to return to the pulpit. A
tribute worship service honoring the extensive ministry of Dr. Kennedy will
be held in the main sanctuary of the church at 11:00 a.m. EDT on Sunday,
Sept. 23.


The announcement of Dr. Kennedy's retirement begins a process by the
church of choosing a successor to fill the pulpit and office of senior
minister. This procedure is well-defined in the constitution of the
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the denomination to which Coral Ridge
belongs. The officers of the church will assess the church's needs and
supervise the election, by the congregation, of a pulpit search committee
comprised of a cross section of members. This committee will evaluate,
interview and listen to numerous candidates before making its
recommendation to the congregation for a vote.

As outlined in PCA bylaws, the congregation will have the final voice
in determining the new senior minister to succeed Dr. Kennedy. The entire
process of succession is expected to take between one and two years.
Currently CRPC continues under the governance of the elders, elected by the
congregation and serving as a session. Rev. Ronald L. Siegenthaler,
executive minister of the church, will implement the policies of the
governing body as he supervises the day-to-day events of the various
ministry departments.