Saturday, January 06, 2007

Best and Worst of 2006

I agree with most of the people on Hawkins' list of The 21 Most Annoying People On The Right In 2006 but I would have moved Pat Robertson up to #1 though I think that might be because Christians are more impacted by the fallout from his comments than are conservatives (he is just one voice among many on the right but for some people he is viewed as the voice of Christians).

Hawkins also has a list of the 10 worst comments on Democratic Underground (coming up with conspiracy theories seems to be their favorite past time) and the 20 most annoying liberals. I was shocked to see that no Clinton made the list (only honorable mention) which is a remarkable oversight when you think about how awful he was to Wallace and all the annoying comments he's made about the war. And as bad as Olbermann is, how can he top the Times since they have published our strategy in the war on terror numerous times?