George Will has written yet another attack column against Thompson. SEE-DUBYA responds:
The Fred-bashers–all over the spectrum–are sounding more and more like militant atheists who have this really off-putting zeal where you would expect to find only apathy or mild contempt. They all want to be the one who really sticks it to Fred and proves you’re wrong and deluded if you support him. Fine; if you really believe there’s nothing there, then act like it. If Thompson is truly the empty suit and ideological enigma you claim, he’ll dry up soon enough. (I mean, I don’t waste a whole lot of time fisking Brownback’s or Gilmore’s policy positions, and I don’t throw a rod every time someone resigns from the Ron Paul campaign. Will’s written three columns bashing Fred.)Somehow, I don't think the Fred-bashers can do that. It's really starting to look a lot like BSD but now it's coming from the right instead of the left. It's looking like it's going to be a long hard battle to get a Republican nominated. I've already grown weary of the fighting.