Saturday, February 18, 2006

Update on Global Warming

It turns out that the 85 Evangelicals are being funded by a group that supports abortion rights according to this report.

Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America says “Hewlett Foundation is one of the most prodigious and unabashed funders of abortion causes, with much money going to make abortion acceptable. Its significant grant for this initiative, along with the controversial Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, reveals where this effort could lead. They would not fund something that contradicts their ain missions.”

She seems to hit the nail on the head when she says, “The radical environmental, pro-abortion lobby has learned to adopt language to win over unsuspecting, well-intentioned people. I am sure that most of the evangelical leaders who signed on have no idea of the history and missions of the groups that have made this initiative possible with their financial backing,” said Wright.

As my daughter Samantha would say "Sheech people!" Why don't you check your funding sources so that you don't wind up embroiled in controversy.

(Link via Postscript Posthaste)