Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This is why we have to fight

We have to be diligent in this fight or we run the risk of this happening here:

Somali Christian sources report Ali Mustaf Maka`il, a 22-year-old college student and cloth merchant who converted from Islam to Christianity 11 months ago, was shot and killed in the Manabolyo quarter of Mogadishu.

According to a report from the Barnabas Fund, quoting a Christian source inside Somalia, the gunman was loyal to the Union of Islamic Courts, the Islamist organization that took power in Mogadishu in early June and now controls much of southern Somalia.

The report states the gunman shot Ali in the back Sept. 7 after he refused to join a crowd chanting Quran verses in honor of the lunar eclipse. Solar and lunar eclipses are significant in Islam and are accompanied by special congregational prayers. The Union of Islamic Courts confiscated Ali`s body for 24 hours before delivering it to the grieving family, the report said.

The Barnabas Fund comments: "It seems that under the new Islamist rulers, who include hard-line jihadi elements, the tragic history of persecution and martyrdom for Somalia`s tiny Christian community is set to continue and most likely to worsen."

The group reports that in July there were unconfirmed reports three Christians had been shot and killed by Islamists as they returned home from a prayer meeting.

In October 2005, an evangelist and house church leader, Osman Sheik Ahmed, was shot dead by Islamist radicals, Barnabas said. Also, children of Christian Somali refugees in Kenya have been kidnapped by Muslim relatives and taken to Islamic institutions in Somalia for `rehabilitation.`"

The Barnabas Fund pointed out the leader of the Union of Islamic Courts, Hassan Dahir Aweys, promised to implement Sharia, or Islamic law, in all areas he controls.

According to Sharia, the group explained, apostates "those who leave Islam for another religion"– must be killed. Union of Islamic Court leaders even have threatened to kill as apostates Muslims who are lax in their prayers, claiming this is commanded by Sharia. Several Muslims have been flogged publicly for drug-related offences since the union took control.

We have to fight so that we don't have Sharia law here. Muslims appear to take it on themselves to kill the apostate, no court of law decides the case. Do we want that to happen here? If we lose the war in terror, it will and we could look for the following:
In Bangladesh, seven Islamic members of the Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) were sentenced to death last year for the murder of 2 judges. On August 31, 2006, BBC News reported [7] that more than 100 cases have been filed against alleged members of the JMB in connection with” a series of bombings which specifically targeted "judges and court rooms."” One of the militants, Abdur Rahman, the head of this banned Islamic group, whose goal is the introduction of Sharia law into the country, stated that the murders were carried out "on the instructions of God."

The imposition of Sharia Law in 1983 in Sudan, where 70% of the population is Muslim, is regarded as a strong catalyst for the 20 year-long civil war which is at the heart of the current genocide in Darfur.

In Mogadishu, fighters loyal to Somalia's Islamic courts, once considered militia, will soon be uniformed to formally enforce strict Sharia law upon the entire land. Earlier this year these same militiamen killed two people at the screening of a World Cup soccer broadcast banned because it violated their strict interpretation of Islamic law.

At the Amsterdam trial of Mohammed Bouyeri, the killer of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, the defendant told the court that Sharia law commanded that he "cut off the head of anyone who insults Allah and his prophet." Bouyeri has also refused to acknowledge the Dutch court's jurisdiction in the matter, as it is not Islamic.
And don't think it won't happen here:
And, although Muslim immigrants to the U.S are perhaps better assimilated than anywhere else on the planet, one can'’t ignore the words attributed [8] to Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) founder Omar M. Ahmad by the San Ramon Valley Herald on July 4, 1988:

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
Every feminist should be behind the war against terror because this is what happens to women under the law:
Sharia law in Canada? Yes. The province of Ontario has authorized the use of sharia law in civil arbitrations, if both parties consent. The arbitrations will deal with such matters as property, marriage, divorce, custody and inheritance. The arbitrators can be imams, Muslim elders or lawyers. In theory, their decisions aren't supposed to conflict with Canadian civil law. But because there is no third-party oversight, and no duty to report decisions, no outsider will ever know if they do. These decisions can be appealed to the regular courts. But for Muslim women, the pressures to abide by the precepts of sharia are overwhelming. To reject sharia is, quite simply, to be a bad Muslim.
In the burgeoning Muslim communities around Toronto, it's customary to settle family disputes internally, by appealing to an imam or an older person in the family. "I have a client from Pakistan who works for a bank," Ms. Arjomand tells me. "She's educated. She used to give all her money to her husband. She had to beg him for money to buy a cup of coffee. Then she decided to keep $50 a month for herself, but he said no."

They took the matter to an uncle, who decreed that because the wife had not been obedient, her husband could stop sleeping with her. (This is a traditional penalty for disobedient wives.) He could also acquire a temporary wife to take care of his sexual needs, which he proceeded to do. Now the woman wants a separation. She's fighting for custody of the children, which, according to sharia, belong to the father.
Here is another case from Iran where a sixteen year old girl receive the death penalty for adultery even though she wasn't married:
On 15 August, 2004, Atefah Sahaaleh was hanged in a public square in the Iranian city of Neka.

Her death sentence was imposed for "crimes against chastity".

The state-run newspaper accused her of adultery and described her as 22 years old.

But she was not married - and she was just 16.

In terms of the number of people executed by the state in 2004, Iran is estimated to be second only to China.

In the year of Atefah's death, at least 159 people were executed in accordance with the Islamic law of the country, based on the Sharia code.

Since the revolution, Sharia law has been Iran's highest legal authority.

Alongside murder and drug smuggling, sex outside marriage is also a capital crime.
Previously arrested for attending a party and being alone in a car with a boy, Atefah received her first sentence for "crimes against chastity" when she was just 13.

Although the exact nature of the crime is unknown, she spent a short time in prison and received 100 lashes.

When she returned to her home town, she told those close to her that lashes were not the only things she had to endure in prison. She described abuse by the moral police guards.

Soon after her release, Atefah became involved in an abusive relationship with a man three times her age.

Former revolutionary guard, 51-year-old Ali Darabi - a married man with children - raped her several times.

She kept the relationship a secret from both her family and the authorities.

Atefah was soon caught in a downward spiral of arrest and abuse.


When Atefah realised her case was hopeless, she shouted back at the judge and threw off her veil in protest.

It was a fatal outburst.

She was sentenced to execution by hanging, while Darabi got just 95 lashes.
Being a Christian and a woman with two daughters, I'm afraid of what the future holds.