I've been meaning to say thank you for awhile but kept forgetting to do it. I finally qualified for a gift certificate that I'm going to put toward the books I need for seminary in the fall.
I'm taking Ancient Church History and The General Epistles and Revelation. My reading list isn't too bad since the courses are each two credits. I thought I would buy some of the church history books early and read them over the summer and I'm thinking about digesting them (maybe). I'll be buying these:I also have to read Confessions by Augustine but I have a copy of that already.
Not only did I get a gift certificate from the bookstore but they sent me two free books. Wasn't that nice of them?
Both books have study questions at the end of each chapter that might be useful for a Bible study group. Drew's book looks like a response to a purpose driven life:
“Charles Drew has given us a great book to give away--especially to those who want a purpose-driven life and want to dig more deeply into the mysteries of that purpose. It is at once clear, personal, culturally up-to-date, and theologically rich-- a perfect combination. Drew takes us a step beyond the literature that is presently available on the subject. Highly recommended.” - Dr. Timothy Keller, Senior Minister, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York.