Monday, February 12, 2007

"3,000 lives wasted"

This is the American left This is a segment of the American left, they don't care about the sacrifice of our troops. And Iraqi citizen, your freedom isn't worth anything to them, they could care less that you lived under a barbarous dictator who gassed thousands, who buried people alive in mass graves.

Thank the Lord, the troops don't share his view, that we have men and women who are willing to go over there and sacrifice their lives so that others have a chance at freedom.

I'm thankful we have a president who understands the sacrifice made by our troops and wants to make sure their deaths are not in vain. If Obama gets in, then their sacrifice would have been in vain because he intends to pull our troops and allow Iraq to be overrun by the enemy and allow the innocent Iraqi citizens to be thrown to the wolves.


Updated: It has been pointed out to me that my statement was too broad, I realize that I shouldn't have lumped those on the left who support the troops and who desire that we achieve victory in Iraq with those on the left who believe that we should cut and run without accomplishing our goal. I forget about those on the left like Lieberman. I apologize for slandering any on the left who reject Obama's statement and who desire victory in Iraq. I will try to be more careful in my language in the future and make sure that I don't include you in my statements.

I don't want to be divisive but I am not going to back down from my criticism of those who want to leave before the battle is done, that includes those on the left and the right. Our troops are over there fighting this fight for America and we shouldn't denigrate their efforts by calling their sacrifice a waste, that was the point of my criticism of Obama, he himself admits that he misspoke. His words are an echo of what I've heard from the left for years now, so is it any wonder that I would lump everyone together? Lieberman is the only voice on the left that I've heard that sounds a different tune and I should have remembered that when I wrote this post.

BTW, just for the record, I do believe that Obama has the right to say what he wants. He has the right to believe that this war is wrong and that he doesn't want victory, he just wants to pull the troops. He has every right to state that on the campaign trail and run on that platform and he will be representing many Americans when he does so. I believe very strongly in free speech and the democratic process. But just because we are free to say what we want, we aren't free from the criticism our words engender, as my commenters have demonstrated.