Saturday, February 17, 2007

Wow! Tom Shales didn't hate the "1/2 Hour News Show"

It's a practically glowing review:

All that aside, " 1/2 Hour" definitely has its moments. Anchors "Jennifer Lange" and "Kent McNally" (Jenn Robertson and Kurt Long -- why didn't they just use their real names?) sit at a simple desk and deliver the facetious items without any of the dreadful, overboard mugging and mincing of "Daily Show's" obnoxious Jon Stewart.


But those on the left anticipating, and probably hoping for, some kind of ghastly disaster will be disappointed -- and may even feel like joining in the (apparently canned) laughter more times than they'd expect. In a nutshell: It isn't terrible.
He thought Rush was mechanical, which I did as well. I couldn't even finish watching the video because it was so dull. Judge for yourself:

We live in amazing times when Shales would find it passable but some on the right have panned it.