Sunday, April 16, 2006

2 3 New Blogging Chicks

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Welcome Ellen of mzellen & co. from Michigan. Ellen blogs about her life with her two teenage children, a son and a daughter, about her diet and about theology. She wrote an excellent article for the Carnival of Beauty on aging gracefully.

Welcome to Nicole Carter of Me and My Chickens from North Carilonia. Isn't Nicole's blog made for Blogging Chicks? Nicole blogs about her life and well, chickens (she definitely has a theme going on here :-).

And welcome to Julie of Everday Mommy. Julie has a visually appealing website with a wonderful graphic. She blogs about life, her son and about the Lord. She has an interesting story about becoming a mom so late in life. Make sure you read it when you visit.

Please join me in welcoming all three blogs to our blogroll and go check them out.