Monday, May 21, 2007

Illegal Immigration Mocks the Law

Why have immigration laws if obedience to them are arbitrary?

Arbitrary is defined in Webster's dictionary as "based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity".

What message does it send to the illegals who are here that it is okay to mock our laws? Can we really expect them to obey the laws after they have been given amnesty?

Who cares that there are laws for immigrating to this country? Who cares that the I.N.S. is so bloated with bureaucratic paper shuffling so as to make it null and void? For that matter, who cares that it is illegal to steal, rape, murder, drive without a seat belt, speed, mow your lawn before 8 a.m and so on and so on.

John Mark Reynolds
asserts that:

illegal immigration is a law enforcement problem. Any solution to it must start with the basic flouting of law by businesses that hire illegals and by those who cross America’s borders without permission. Until this is stopped (or brought under control), the law is being mocked and republics cannot allow the law be mocked.
To simply make legal what was illegal, protecting scoff laws in business from their crimes, risks total break down in the need assumption that in America it is (generally) better to play by the rules than not.
For humane and merciful reasons, once the law is no longer bleeding daily from multiple wounds on our border, forgiveness can be the order of the day. We can begin with common sense and mercy to deal with the humans (all created in God’s image) who are here illegally.
If the law is not upheld, what will stop anarchy from becoming the law of the land?

"If everyone [does] what is right in their own eyes" [Judges 21:25], what will be the future for our country?

*Update: See what I mean?