National Geographic is dedicating next month's magazine what is supposed to be the gospel according to Judas!!
According to the Washington Times article:
Judas is presented as the one to whom everything is told," said Gregor Wurst, a German scholar who helped translate the document. "Judas was an anti-hero."
It claims that Jesus and Judas planned Jesus' Crucifixion so that the death of Christ's weak, earthly body could release His spirit to enjoy the glories of heaven.
Near the end of the Judas gospel, Jesus tells Judas he will "exceed" the rest of the disciples "for you will sacrifice the man that clothes me."
This concept comes from gnosticism, a doctrine that believes salvation comes not by Jesus' death and Resurrection, but through secret knowledge imparted by Him to select individuals.[The quote below is not part of the above article, I just couldn't figure out how to UN block a quote! Be patient with me, I'm new at this blogging thing!]
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is accured!" [Galatians 1:8]Clearly, that is what this is.
Go read the rest of the article here.