Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How many people in America have your name

I posted this over at my other blog but I can tell from the traffic stats that you people aren't reading that blog. So, sometimes I punish you by not double posting :-) and sometimes I don't. Here is a fun time waster (which I am not doing, believe me! I am working on my paper):

There are 299,968,595 people in the United States of America. If everyone in the U.S. lined up single file, the line would stretch around the Earth almost 7 times. That's a lot of people.

The U.S. Census Bureau statistics tell us that there are at least 88,799 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Some names are more common than others.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

I was surprised that my name isn't more common.