Alan of Blogonomicon (one of my favorite cute gun blogs) sent me a link to a very interesting post about a guy who went from being a Jihadst to a Christian. I am going to give you one quote so you can see why you should go read this series of articles (they are short and won't take you a long time to read):
My upbringing in a very devout Moslem family trained me so well, that when I was some 13 years old, I came to my father and said, 'Dad, one day I want to fight for Palestinians against the Israelis and kill all the Jews.' My father smiled and said, 'Great son, those Jews should all be killed – I will not object if you chose the path of Jihad because it is the best thing to do.' After some days, in our neighborhood, a young man, some 23 years old, had died in Kashmir, he was there to fight the Indians. They called it Jihad (they still do) and when he died they titled him a 'martyr'. I went to the house of that person with my father and his parents were celebrating. They were distributing sweets and saying, 'our son is in paradise!' My dad and I congratulated the parents of that young man too. The scene was like someone was getting married there. I came back – and this day I was more willing to go to Israel to fight (we didn't call it Israel; we called it 'occupied Palestine').