Thursday, August 31, 2006

You know you're not Reformed if...

I've been meaning to share this with you even though it's a few days old; because laughter is good medicine, right?

I saw this the other day at the Riddleblog:

You know you are not Reformed if

. . . you think the Apostles Creed is the guy who fought Rocky in Rocky I.

. . . you think the Canons of Dort are like the Guns of Navarrone.

. . . you think Ursinus is a nasal condition.

. . . you think Arminians are the people who run convenience stores.

. . . you think the Belgic Confession was from WWII war crimes trials.

. . . you think “popery” in the church makes it smell flowery.

. . . you think the psalter goes with the pepper shaker.

. . . you think unconditional election is a practice of communist dictatorships.

. . . the only “kirk” you know is from Star Trek.

. . . you think the Three Forms of Unity are health, wealth, and happiness.

. . . you think “catechism” and “dogma” relate to pets.

. . . you think Post Tenebras Lux is a breakfast cereal (it’s actually the motto of post-Reformation Geneva).
Check out the post comments, it keeps going...

On a related issue, my husband and I have recently started going to a Presbyterian church and the congregation recites the Apostle's Creed as part of the order of worship. During one of the first sermons we heard there the Pastor challenged the congregation not to just say the words but to know what those words mean. To be able to articulate what you believe is something that every Christian should be concerned with. Because if you don't really understand what you are saying how can you articulate it others? Like to your children or your neighbor or your unsaved family members?

Well, I found this great resource that we will be using to help our family understand this historic creed. It's Luther's Little Instruction Book; "The simple way a father should present it to his household". If you already know it, pass it on to someone you know who could benefit from it.
