Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Waning days of Summer

It's official, it's the last days of summer.

Because I just received my daughters' back to school calendar in the mail.

I can't believe the summer is almost over!

School starts on September 6! That means that all the things I hoped to do during the summer had better happen soon.

As a student myself, I've been enjoying the lazy days of summer. I have taken advantage of sleeping in, yes, I've been getting up at 9am (ssshhh, don't tell my husband). I've been loving it! At the beginning of summer I had mapped out what we were going to do over the summer. One of the things I had hoped to do was to organize my house (closets and cabinets).

The primary reason is that last year I began going to college. I didn't realize, really, what that was going to mean for my family life. I thought I knew, but I didn't. One thing I did learn was that things would have run smoother and would have been less stressful if I was better organized around the home.

I'm glad that the Lord reminded me this morning to "look carefully then how you [I] walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time... " (Ephesians 5:15) because if I don't make the best use of time NOW, the days will slip by and I'll find myself back on the school treadmill before I know it.

With that all said, I've been busy cleaning out baskets that have collected
A LOT of stuff over the last year. I love baskets because you can just stick stuff in them to clean off the kitchen counters, but when they start overflowing and you can't remember what's in them, well, then it's time to purge. Also, I want to be prepared for the onslaught of papers that the girls will be bringing home from school.

I finally tackled my 7-year old daughter's closet yesterday. I'm ashamed to say that more than 3/4 of the clothes in her closet she had grown out of last year!

One other ambitious project I started at the beginning of summer was to organize our family photo's. I'd like to create a photo gallery wall. I've only been saying that since we moved into our house six years ago! Right now, I have a pile of pictures sitting on the floor of my office just begging to be organized. My girls and I have been going down memory lane as we've tried to organize them. It's been fun but we never get very far because inevitably, we end up staying down "memory lane" too long. I hope to at least have the pictures that I want to frame chosen before school starts.

That's what I plan to do before school starts, what about you?