Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Madonna Adoption Motive

I posted recently about Madonna's adoption of a Malawi "orphan" with the disclaimer of not wanting to jump to conclusions about her motives. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I kinda chalked it up to a publicity stunt. After all, isn't she always reinventing herself? Now she is Madonna, the savior of Malawi orphans.

Well looky here, it seems that it wasn't about publicity it was about proselytizing!

[Madonna] has started a new charitable foundation, Raising Malawi, to help orphans in that country, but that the whole thing is a front for the Kabbalah Centre in Hollywood.

The charity, Raising Malawi, is designed to spread the word of Philip Berg’s Kabbalah Centre, his own version of Kabbalah beliefs and mysticism, through Malawi’s orphaned children.

Indeed, the Web site for Raising Malawi, the new charity, tells the whole story. The entire organization is run by the Bergs as a kind of missionary program for Africa, with Madonna as the leading proselytizer.
It wasn't about the child really, it was about spreading Kabbalah.

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